4 Reasons to Use Youtube when Marketing for a Nonprofit

4 Reasons to Use Youtube when Marketing for a Nonprofit

There are many channels available to nonprofits to communicate and interact with their supporters. It is important to tell your nonprofit’s story through different platforms in order to connect with supporters whose donations habits vary. YouTube is a channel that takes some time to establish, but once up and running it can be of huge benefit to nonprofits and charity organizations. Whether you are looking to expand your nonprofit’s advocate and donor base, market for an upcoming fundraiser, or keep supporters engaged and inspired, YouTube has a lot to offer.  

YouTube: Modern Marketing for a Nonprofit 

Nearly a third of all internet users regularly watch YouTube videos. Video has a unique ability to engage people and can be a powerful tool for storytelling. YouTube is accessed by people across many different demographics, including students, professionals, teachers, parents, and everyone in between. The platform offers a way to share content that informs, teaches, and inspires, as well as a way to open direct lines of communication with one’s audience. Youtube is free to use, and if used correctly can actually be of huge financial benefit when marketing a nonprofit.

1. Tap into an Enormous Pool of Potential Supporters 

Nearly 1.5 billion people use YouTube each month. YouTube is more than another social media channel, it is an enormous search engine that can connect a nonprofit to motivated supporters. YouTube reaches more people between the ages of 18 and 34 than any U.S. cable network. Young adults of this age group live large parts of their lives online and are big consumers of social media. It's no surprise that they also prefer to go online to connect with and donate to their favorite charity organizations. YouTube offers a great way to effectively communicate with this large, motivated audience of volunteers, donors, and advocates. 

Viewer engagement for posts on Instagram or Facebook generally peaks very quickly and then quickly loses traction. YouTube videos, on the other hand, tend to gain more interest over time. Nurturing a community on YouTube is a commitment, however, during this period of growth, sharing content builds trust with supporters and creates a sense of unity among viewers. As you share your nonprofit’s mission, triumphs, and challenges, supporters, and volunteers gain valuable insight into an organization’s dedication to its cause and how they can fit into that purpose.

2. Supporters can Donate Directly from YouTube

The YouTube Social Impact program was created to support nonprofits using YouTube to market for their causes. The program includes vital information on how to use YouTube effectively as a tool for marketing for a nonprofit, as well as stories of other nonprofits who are currently using YouTube to create a bigger impact. A nonprofit’s supporters are able to make direct donations from the organization’s videos. YouTube also equips nonprofits with special “Link Anywhere” cards that enable them to link to any URL. These tools give nonprofits the ability to use their content to its fullest when it comes to driving motivated donors to give. For organizations that build up a large following, YouTube ads can be inserted into videos creating yet another stream of income for the nonprofit’s mission.

3. YouTube Allows You to Communicate Directly with Supporters

Video offers a unique way to connect with an audience on a deeper emotional level. Sharing videos of the work your organization is doing gives supporters an inside look at who or what benefits from the program and why it is so necessary. Sharing regular content of a program’s progress shows supporters that their donations are making a difference and reinforces why they continue to donate their money or time to the cause. The comments section allows supporters to share stories, ideas, and motivation behind their dedication to the organization. This sharing of ideas builds a sense of community among donors and the nonprofit and helps supporters feel personally connected to the cause.

4. Video is a Powerful Way to Tell a Story

Video has been a powerful marketing tool for a long time as it enables viewers to connect on a deeper emotional level than images, text, or audio alone. Nonprofits are beginning to tap into this previously lesser-used medium to connect with supporters, donors, and advocates in an innovative way. Video can be used to give a complete picture of a nonprofit’s work. While written stories or testimonials are powerful, video allows for an inside look that lets viewers connect emotionally with the story they see. If possible, try to include videos of the population, place, or people that are impacted by your nonprofit's program, including personal testimonials when appropriate. In this article, 10 leaders from Forbes Nonprofit Council discuss why video is so impactful for a nonprofit’s audience and engagement rate. 

Create Deeper Connections with Your Nonprofit’s Audience

In the end, a nonprofit’s audience is one of its most valuable assets. Without a motivated base of support, it would be very difficult for nonprofits and charity organizations to accomplish their goals. Taking the time to expand and nurture an audience pays off in more ways than one. Aside from increasing donations, channels like YouTube can also help a nonprofit connect with new volunteers and advocates, share ideas and stories, as well as communicate and maintain relationships with supporters.


Mackenzie Perry


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