Embed YouTube shorts into a campaign/eShop

Embed YouTube shorts into a campaign/eShop

Here are step by step instructions to embed a YouTube Short video url into a campaign/eShop: 

  1. Go to your Short video on YouTube.
  2. Click the share button & copy the Short video link or URL or Copy the URL from the address bar directly.
  3. Open any editor or notepad or new tab window on your browser (to prevent it from directly opening in-app) and Replace "Shorts" with "Watch" on the URL.
  4. When it opens as a regular video click on the share button again and click on the Embed. After that copy url code and paste the same into your campaign/eShop video url field.


That’s it, you’re good to go :)


Donor Three Sixty Inc.

Donor360 is a turnkey ethical eCommerce platform that enables charities and their advocates to fundraise by vending organic and Fair Trade products to conscious consumers.