Tiger Conservation - International Tiger Day

Tiger Conservation - International Tiger Day

International Tiger Day is fastly approaching, here is how we at Donor 360 are celebrating! International Tiger Day serves as a reminder of a dire need to protect these magnificent creatures and their habitats. Tigers, living in 13 Asian countries, are nearing extinction because of poaching, illegal wildlife trade, and habitat loss. Over the past century, 97% of their population has disappeared, leaving fewer than 4,000 tigers in the wild. The need to save these animals is urgent, as they now occupy less than seven percent of their original range and still face major threats from human activities.

Why does this matter?

According to an article by AZA (Association of Zoos & Aquariums), the International Union for Conservation of Nature have classified tigers “as Endangered, with Malayan and Sumatran tigers classified as Critically Endangered” (AZA, para 1) in their Red List of Threatened Species. In addition, senior advisor of the Wildlife Tracking Alliance, Sara Walker mentions that “‘Tigers are among the most beloved and iconic of the big cats. Therefore, it’s shocking when people learn that three subspecies of tiger are already extinct and that three subspecies—Amur, Sumatran, and Malayan tigers—each have fewer than 500 individuals in the wild’”(AZA, para 2).

What could be causing this problem? The tiger population could be going extinct due to many reasons, one of them includes habitat loss. The current rise of deforestation and expanding cities have caused tigers’ natural habitat to be demolished. Moreover, tiger Trafficking/privately owned tigers are also one of the most contributing factors. In the U.S., despite existing protections, the private ownership of tigers, lions, and other big cats remains a serious animal welfare issue. Unethical breeding practices lead to untraceable populations, posing risks to both animal welfare and public safety.

In order to seriously combat this problem, the AZA has taken drastic measures, some as follows.

  • Ending Tiger Trafficking: AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums, non-profits, and over 80 top businesses have joined forces to form the Wildlife Trafficking Alliance, which aims to lower the trade in illegal wildlife and wildlife goods.
  • AZA Tiger SSP Conservation Campaign: This program encourages establishments with AZA accreditation to support six different tiger conservation initiatives in the Amur, Malayan, and Sumatran tiger range states.

Connection with Donor Three Sixty

At Donor Three Sixty, we are all about supporting animal conservation. We're partnering with Tiger SAFE and other amazing organizations to enhance our efforts. Currently, we have several impactful fundraising campaigns in progress to support vital tiger conservation programs. Through our platform, we're actively raising funds and spreading awareness for these important initiatives, with the goal of making a real difference in preserving tiger populations and their habitats.

How can you help?

Want to get involved? Here's how you can pitch in!

Donate to support organizations dedicated to tiger conservation—every contribution counts! Additionally, raise awareness by sharing on social media and participating in events to spread the word about the importance of protecting tigers. Together, we can secure a future where tigers not only survive but thrive. Let's celebrate International Tiger Day every day!

Source: https://www.aza.org/connect-stories/stories/tiger-trafficking-threatens-extinction
